Maryland Manual On-Line, 2023

July 30, 2023

Note: In this past edition of Maryland Manual, some links are to external sites. View the current Manual



(CODE T00, formerly 38.00.00)

FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (approp.) (approp.)
General $81,249,297 $76,108,136 $78,391,190 $121,982,075
Special $29,198,583 $259,395,280 $74,056,960 $64,266,119
Federal $99,834,356 $149,649,298* $4,144,249 $4,187,418
Total Funds $210,282,236 $485,152,714 $156,592,399 $190,435,612
Reimbursable $1,514,845
Authorized 188.00 188 188.00
Contractual (FTE) 25.35 26 32.75
Total Staff 213.35 214 220.75

*FY2021 Federal funds include Coronavirus Aid, Relief & Economic Security Act and American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 expenditures.

FY2015 FY2016 FY2017 FY2018 FY2019
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $71,859,280 $72,002,343 $88,976,551 $84,044,697 $79,880,920
Special $84,569,598 $47,974,546 $54,071,762 $39,380,848 $45,950,575
Federal $9,957,794 $1,862,837 $9,583,281 $2,182,259 $2,869,600
Total Funds $166,386,672 $121,839,726 $152,631,594 $125,607,804 $128,701,095
Reimbursable $297,636 $107,086 $205,581
Authorized 217.00 202.0 193.00 189.0 188.00
Contractual (FTE) 17.60 18.1 24.84 25.5 34.03
Total Staff 234.60 220.1 217.84 214.5 222.03

FY2010 FY2011 FY2012 FY2013 FY2014
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $46,958,272 $55,990,031 $57,176,895 $50,253,578 $64,901,932
Special $36,672,573 $26,724,233 $27,819,138 $66,556,377 $70,489,484
Federal $1,821,865 $1,984,160 $5,373,293 $3,474,639 $5,254,997
Total Funds $85,452,710 $84,698,424 $90,369,326 $120,284,594 $140,646,413
Reimbursable $200,000 $698,110 $1,277,545 $968,975 $185,768
Authorized 238.00 233.00 225.0 222.00 222.00
Contractual (FTE) 11.95 9.93 13.2 16.45 18.25
Total Staff 249.95 242.93 238.2 238.45 240.25

FY2005 FY2006 FY2007 FY2008 FY2009
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $57,590,063 $55,127,562 $79,950,374 $67,643,700 $58,561,351
Special $25,649,352 $46,136,303 $53,047,265 $45,692,857 $37,340,401
Federal $707,497 $592,782 $2,533,357 $4,458,284 $5,054,010
Total Funds $83,946,912 $101,856,647 $135,530,996 $117,794,841 $100,955,762
Reimbursable $438,268 $877,000 $265,015 $238,391 $284,825
Authorized 298.0 292.0 292.0 276.0 259.0
Contractual (FTE) 36.1 36.55 36.6 30.7 24.7
Total Staff 334.1 328.55 328.6 306.7 283.7

FY2000 FY2001 FY2002 FY2003 FY2004
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $73,185,318 $87,759,919 $83,680,263 $71,268,905 $55,489,242
Special $63,171,332 $70,619,389 $67,977,642 $63,817,235 $36,714,257
Federal $405,935 $658,063 $620,046 $579,769 $581,432
Total Funds $136,762,585 $159,037,371 $152,277,951 $135,665,909 $92,784,931
Reimbursable $981,054 $833,542 $836,140 $660,901 $469,709
Authorized 307.0 318.00 324.0 309.0 299.0
Contractual (FTE) 38.9 54.58 48.7 46.9 36.7
Total Staff 345.9 372.58 372.7 355.9 335.7

FY1995 FY1996 FY1997 FY1998 FY1999
FUNDS (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual) (actual)
General $35,398,014 $49,785,906 $47,539,507 $53,888,949 $56,058,182
Special $24,588,699 $54,236,463 $27,897,328 $45,670,220 $57,885,332
Federal $8,561,913 $4,360,950 $1,712,037 $2.414,085 $2,566,052
Total Funds $68,548,626 $108,383,319 $77,148,872 $101,973,254 $116,509,560
Reimbursable $306,314 $641,323 $834,335 $711,076 $718,615
Authorized 249.0 248.00 246.6 236.00 247.0
Contractual (FTE) 84.8 82.34 80.0 82.29 78.1
Total Staff 333.8 330.34 326.6 318.29 325.1

actual = actual expenditures
approp. = appropriations
FTE = full-time equivalent

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