The Council brings together local, State and federal resources to address issues in economic development; environmental protection; and regional resource management, which includes transportation, utilities, urban growth and development, housing, and public facilities and services. Annually, the Council submits its proposed programs and operating budget for the next fiscal year to the Department of Commerce. At least every four years, the Council reevaluates the General Development Plan for Southern Maryland, following the election of State and local officials (Chapter 36, Acts of 1979).
Thirty-seven members make up the Council. Twenty-nine are voting members, and eight nonvoting (Code Economic Development Article, secs. 13-601 through 13-640).
The Commission's mission was to assist farmers in transitioning from tobacco production to alternative crops and agricultural enterprises; as such the Commission has dispersed tobacco buyout monies to all buyout participants, developed a further regional plan for diversification, and continues to support farms and the future of agriculture by expanding and promoting a viable and profitable agricultural farming community in Southern Maryland by providing vision, support, research, grants, and marketing & promotion to area farmers. As new farm economies are being formed, the Commission helps to streamline regulations and reduce obstacles.
To create a profitable farming future, the Commission aids farmers and also helps the public understand the importance of local farms to the overall economy. To achieve that goal, the Commission helps connect local farmers to their consumers, and protects area farmland through local land preservation.
Created in 2006 by the Commission, the "Buy Local Challenge" each July encourages Marylanders to incorporate at least one locally grown, produced, or harvested product into their meals each day.
Twenty-three members constitute the Commission. Appointed by the Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland, nine members serve four-year terms, and eight serve two-year terms. Representing specialized agricultural sectors, two members are appointed to one-year terms. Four members serve ex officio.
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